Friday, February 23, 2024

Two Sheets of Wind, a Micropoem by Mujë Buçpapaj

Forest from window
In April resurrection
On desk’s map
In Book’s halves
Fallen tree
And rain on window
Two sheets of wind
Constitute the world!

© Mujë Buçpapaj
Mob: +355 6820 74 31

Poet Mujë Buçpapaj was born in Tropoja, Albania (1962). He graduated from the branch of Albanian Language and Literature, University of Tirana (1986). In the years 1991-1992, he studied for two years for feature film script at Kinostudio "Alshqiperia e Re", Tirana, today "Albafilmi" (considered as post-master's studies), as well as completed many other qualifications of the cultural spectrum in country and abroad. Mujë Buçpapaj is a doctor of literary sciences with a thesis on the survival of Albanian poetry during the communist censorship, defended at the Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania. He is one of the founders of political pluralism and the free press in Albania (1990) and a journalist for many years in the most popular newspapers in Tirana. He is the head of the literary and cultural newspaper "Nacional", the "Nacional" Publishing House and the Studies and National Projects. In the years 1991-2005 he was co-founder and journalist of the first opposition newspaper in the country after 50 years of communist dictatorship "Rilindja Demokratike" and founder of the newspaper "Tribuna Demokratike." In the years 2005-2009 he was the director of the International Cultural Center in Tirana, while in the years 2010-2014 he was the Director of the Albanian Copyright Office in Tirana. After the year 2014 and onwards, he took charge of the "Nacional" Publications and the "Nacional" newspaper. Currently, he is also a lecturer at "Luarasi" University in Tirana, where he teaches the subject of Academic Writing. Buçpapaj is one of the most prominent exponents of contemporary Albanian poetry with the greatest national and international success, respectively published in several foreign languages and honored with several prestigious international awards from Greece to the USA and one of the most prominent managers of culture in the country. Drafter of cultural policies. He is the organizer and leader of many international conferences held in Tirana on the problems of art, literature and copyright. He is the author of many study books on literature and poetics, but also of hundreds of journalistic writings, criticisms, essays, studies including those on regional problems, national security as well as on the management of art in market conditions, cultural policies and national strategy. of culture. He is known as one of the strongest public debaters on the problems of the Albanian transition, regional political developments, and democracy as a whole. He is the founder of the newspaper/magazine "Nacional" and its director. He lives, works and creates in Tirana, together with his wife and two daughters.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Faith, a Micropoem by Dr. Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

Faith is just a mirror,
Nothing is visible except image
And the one who broke once,
The piece is not sold 
in any market!

© Dr. Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India 
Mobile- +91 9928544749

Dr. Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani has over 25 years of rich experience in Training, Research, Academics, Writing, Software Development, Website Development and Design Developed more than 140 software & websites independently). He is a record holder for earning highest academic certificates from two organizations World's Greatest Records and Tribune International World Records. His one record of maximum English Laghukathas is approved by India Book of Records and World’s Greatest Records has accepted his record of first book of English Laghukathas. Dr. Chhatlani has adequate experience of all types of documentation and dealing with NAAC Assessment, UGC, AICTE, MHRD, NIRF, Distance Education, AISHE, Supreme Court, PCI, CCH etc. along with organizing conferences, seminars and workshops. Dr. Chandresh has authored 12 Books, edited 10 books and has written 32+ research papers. He has received 35+ national/international awards.

Three Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar

HOPE February and March with the face of a woman... Spring awakens, giving birth to light, new life, and HOPE. BELIEF With a carnival celebr...