Friday, July 26, 2024

My Seamstress, Mother of Mine, a Micropoem by Alessandro Russo

You smile at your thoughts
when they bare come,
you fit their figure
and define the garment
that most suits them,
sewing words
that can tell them
without stiffening,
without constraining them
to rise on tiptoe
to lenghten
some short reason.

Alessandro Russo was born in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples - Italy). He is the author of several books of poetry and has been awarded many national and international poetry awards.

[Prepared by Angela Kosta, Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator]

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Rare Flower, a Micropoem by Angela Kosta

In vain I searched for a flower 
That it had your sweet scent
I came back empty-handed 
And while I've seen you sleep 
I understood that nothing and no one 
Not even a rare flower
It would compare to your beauty 
to your irresistible freshness

©️ Angela Kosta
Albania & Italy

Three Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar

HOPE February and March with the face of a woman... Spring awakens, giving birth to light, new life, and HOPE. BELIEF With a carnival celebr...