Saturday, June 3, 2023

Six Modern Haiku by Daipayan Nair

after rain —
the lady arranges
her fruit cart

slum sunset —
she adds her pitcher 
to the queue
harvest drumbeat —
the worker grabs another 
sunflower head
cornfield stretch —
each tractor carries 
a cloud

receding waters —
a bullfrog jumps onto 
the driver's seat

slice of sunrise —
the cart puller wipes 
the next spoke

© Daipayan Nair
Silchar, Assam, India

Daipayan Nair from Assam is a haiku poet. He writes micropoetry, mostly haiku and tanka poems. His works have been featured on various international platforms and weekly columns like Haiku Dialogue of The Haiku Foundation, Haiku in Action of Nick Virgilio Haiku Association, and FreshOutMag. He has also been published in the Frogpond Journal, the prune juice journal, Under the Basho Journal, Failed Haiku Journal, Cold Moon Journal, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Triya Mag, Kingfisher Journal, Poetry Pea Journal, Time Haiku Journal, Failed haiku — a journal of English Senryu, the Akitsu Quarterly, The Wales Haiku Journal among others. His haiku, senryu and tanka have appeared in  the prestigious monthly of haikuKATHA from Triveni Haikai India. His recent collection of haiku and senryu titled "tilt of the winnowing fan" was published in 2022 by Hawakal.

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