Saturday, January 20, 2024

Two Micropoems by Kelly Moyer

The Empty Cupboard 
Pardon the leaf litter.
We’re doing renovations
on the mushroom house.
I’d offer you honeyed milk 
or a bun of some sort,
but my husband 
brought them to the queen
with a giggle and a snort.

Book Covers 
The mouse told me
the mochi were tainted, 
so he traded a smoke 
for the entire lot.
I should have known
it was just his racket,
tho’ you gotta wonder
whether I, myself,
am a bit of a troll or not.

© Kelly Moyer
North Carolina, USA

Monday, January 15, 2024

Two Micropoems by Kuma Raj Subedi

Moment in Nature  
basking in the sun
a cold croc
pounces on a lizard,
bright sunlight
passing through clouds
dries up puddles

you squeeze me 
too much, 
I will 
ruin your juice 
cravings with 
my seeds!

© Kuma Raj Subedi 

Kuma Raj Subedi was born in the Parbat district in Nepal. He has got two postgraduate degrees :MA in British & American literature, and Master of Teaching in TESOL. As a poet and translator his numerous creations have been published on various print and online platforms such as Misty Mountain Review, Spill words, Indian Review, Muse India, Polis Magazino, Kavya Kishor, Aksharang, Sipay, The Gorkha Times, Of Nepalese Clay, Sindh Courier,  Newsn Jeju, Ink Pantry, The Indian Periodical, Nepalnamcha, Poetishes, The Offline Thinker, Setopati, Poeticia, The Rising Junkiri, Sahitya Sangraha, Modern Poets Anthology (Ukiyoto Publishing), The Writer’s Cafe etc.Recently he participated in KM100NZ haiku competition in New Zealand and Joy to the world poetry festival. He is anctiv involved to TramsEnd Poets, a group of prominent poets and critics in Adelaide. He often writes about issues such as women’s suffering, memories, religion, nature, migration, love and culture. Currently, Mr. Subedi is residing in Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia with his two daughters and wife and works as an accomplished lecturer at TafeSA. He has been awarded as the Best Poet of the Event in the International Nazarul Poetry Festival 2023 in Bangladesh. He has been exclusively interviewed in MTV in Nepal. He has also been interviewed in a literary program by Kalika FM and Vijaya FM about his creative writings and current literary trends and styles. He has been interviewed and got published in Kayakairan Daily. Three book reviews on his debut anthology of poetry have been published in The Rising Nepal, a leading and the oldest English newspaper in Nepal and in Sahitya Post, a full time literary digital magazine in Nepal. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Two Micropoems by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer in Chinese Language & Translated From English by Ma Yongbo

译者 (Translator):马永波 (Mayongbo)

沙伊莱什·古普塔·维尔博士(Shailesh Gupta Veer),印度诗人、评论家、编辑和多个奖项得主,用英语和印地语写作。他的作品具有高度的原创性和真实性。他编辑了二十几种文学书籍和数本杂志。他的诗歌发表在国内外各种文学杂志、期刊、选集和网站上,被翻译成汉语、希腊语、德语、法语、西班牙语、阿塞拜疆语、阿拉伯语、意大利语、塞尔维亚语、克罗地亚语、葡萄牙语、尼泊尔语、旁遮普语等多种语言。他是《微诗宇宙》的主编和《创意研究之声》的副主编。201812月,尼日利亚电视节目《你和今日文学》宣布他为文学偶像。他的诗歌在英格兰沃灵顿“亲爱的约翰秀”上朗读。他是初出茅庐诗人的灵感来源。他拥有考古学博士学位,目前在公立学校任教





[Poet : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer]

[Translator : Ma Yongbo]

Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer is a poet, critic, reviewer, editor and multi-prize winner. He is bilingual and writes in English & Hindi. His literary works are characterized by a high degree of creativity and authenticity. He has edited about two dozen literary books and several magazines. His poetry has been published in various literary national and international magazines, journals, anthologies and websites. He has won many awards in the field of poetry and literature. His poems have been translated into Chinese, Greek, German, French, Spanish, Azerbaijani, Arabic, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Portuguese, Nepali, Punjabi & some other languages. He is the editor of Micropoetry Cosmos and the associate editor of The Voice of Creative Research. He was declared a Literary Icon in December 2018 by the TV program 'You and Literature Today' from Nigeria. His poems were read on The Dear John Show of Warrington, England. He is an inspiration for budding poets. He is a Ph.D. in Archaeology and is currently working as a Government Educator.
She is
my heart,
my heart is
her fist,
I want
to hold
her hand

To Ease the Pain
Mind is
stream of ideas is
in an attempt
to ease the pain,
I have

Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer
Fatehpur, UP, India

Ma Yongbo 
Nanjing, China

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Five Modern Haiku by Jahnavi Gogoi

a whiff of summer
that scent of Patchouli
on his collar!

jungle safari
a startled Rhino
takes cover in the Ravenna grass!

stirring sugar vigorously
in the awkward silence
wet eyes as I thumb through
the family album

carpe diem
relishing sour Pomelo
on a winter afternoon

© Jahnavi Gogoi
Ontario, Canada

Jahnavi Gogoi’s poetry has been published in Haiku Corner by The Japan Society, Shadow Pond Journal, The Leaf Journal, haikuNetra, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Cold Moon Journal, The Usawa Literary review, Borderless Journal, The Chakkar, Poems India, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Inssaei International journal, Academy of the Heart And Mind, Spillwords, Indian Periodical, Synchronized Chaos, Soul Connection, Reflections, and others. She won the first prize in the poetry writing competition organized by the Chandigarh Literary Society in the year 2022 for her poem ‘If this isn’t love’. She writes a lot about her native state of Assam, India, having spent her early childhood years in the shadow of the Patkai hills in northeast India. Jahnavi now lives in the beautiful town of Ajax in Ontario, Canada with her husband and daughter.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Three Modern Haiku by Rayees Ahmad Kumar

biting cold
due to winter's chill
shivers me from inside!

except one omnipotent
everyone in this mortal world
is only your temporary companion!

colourful birds
on the tall trees of garden
sing some melodies to please me!

© Rayees Ahmad Kumar
Kashmir, India

Rayees Ahmad Kumar is a columnist hailing from Qazigund, Kashmir, India. He is also a fiction writer and his columns are regularly featured in high-impact dailies and weeklies of valley.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Six Micropoems by Donna McCabe

Alone Now
Once so close
Now separate, apart
Life plays twisted, cruel tricks.

Beautifully shaped
Older than appearance
Neatly pruned
And styled

I am addicted to your pages
Enamoured by your words
When held in my hands
Eagerly devouring another chapter.

Invoking calmness
When multitude emotions
Want to wash over, invade
Knowing they will only disrupt
Toy with the mind
To be calm is logic, safe.
Poetry and petals
The cure to soothe
A tired soul.

Many tiny fragments
Organised and structured
Strategically placed
Assortments of colours and shapes
Intricate designs and patterns
Culmination of seeing the bigger picture.  
© Donna McCabe
South Wales, UK
Donna McCabe is an established poet from South Wales, UK, with over twenty years experience. Her work has gained her multiple accolades within her field of literature. From being published in journals, magazines and anthologies both nationally and internationally, she is also a respected admin on many social media pages as well as having her own Instagram page.
Instagram- @donnamccabe_
Facebook- Poemsbydonnamccabe

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Eight Modern Haiku by Jennifer Gurney

that first snowflake–
magic as it melts
upon my tongue

when it's cold
I can always find you
by the space heater

to light a fire at dark
to ward the cold

hard to get warm
when the cold is from
the inside

the cold is lovely
soft and deep-
from my haven inside

the cold stole
my beautiful golden tree-
with one big breath

strange brew of laundry--
shorts from last weekend with
today's winter coat

just a wink of winter
snow mixed with fallen leaves
before fall returns

© Jennifer Gurney
Broomfield, Colorado, US

Jennifer Gurney lives in Colorado where she teaches, paints, writes and hikes. Her poetry has appeared in a variety of journals, including Micropoetry Cosmos, The Ravens Perch, HaikUniverse, Haiku Corner, Cold Moon Journal, Scarlet Dragonfly and The Haiku Foundation.

Friday, January 5, 2024

A Tear, a Micropoem by Irma Kurti

You were not
the person I searched for.
You were hasty, indifferent, cold… 
I needed patience and warmth. 
I was ready to escape,
but I saw a tear in your eyes.
I relented—didn’t take another step— 
I couldn’t abandon you. 
© Irma Kurti
Bergamo, Italy

IRMA KURTI is an Albanian poet, writer, lyricist, journalist, and translator and has been writing since she was a child. She is a naturalized Italian and lives in Bergamo, Italy. All her books are dedicated to the memory of her beloved parents, Hasan Kurti and Sherife Mezini, who have supported and encouraged every step of her literary path. Kurti has also won numerous literary prizes and awards in Italy and Italian Switzerland. She was awarded the Universum Donna International Prize IX Edition 2013 for Literature and received a lifetime nomination as an Ambassador of Peace by the University of Peace, Italian Switzerland. In 2020, she became the honorary president of WikiPoesia, the encyclopedia of poetry. In 2021, she was awarded the title of Liria (Freedom) by the Italian-Albanian community in Italy. In 2022, she was also nominated as the Albanian ambassador to the International Academic Award of Contemporary Literature Seneca of the Academy of Philosophical Arts and Sciences, Bari. She also won the prestigious 2023 Naji Naaman's literary prize for complete work. Irma Kurti has published 28 books in Albanian, 24 in Italian, 15 in English, and two in French. She has written approximately 150 lyrics for adults and children. She has also translated 17 books by different authors, and all of her own books into Italian and English. Her books have been translated and published in 14 countries.

Three Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar

HOPE February and March with the face of a woman... Spring awakens, giving birth to light, new life, and HOPE. BELIEF With a carnival celebr...