Monday, October 21, 2024

Four Micropoems by Nolcha Fox

I fill in what I cannot see
with my dark imagination.
Back light lets me guess the tale
behind your hidden features.
If only I could see you whole,
I’d probably be quite bored.
Daylight takes the mystery,
and leaves the moles
and pimples.

Mona Lisa
She sits so still and watches all
the people in the room.
Some distracted, some agog
at her eternal beauty.
She is preserved with gas
and glass to keep her ever lovely.
Her smile is no mystery.
She knows it’s almost closing.

That Second One
Of all the boats lined up to float
upon the tiny river,
I’d love that second one 
to let me bob in end of summer.
Soon the winds will blow, and all
the boats will drift to cover.
They’ll reappear when spring
begins parades of boats
through water.

Follow the Trail
If you want me, 
follow the mascara tears,
pumps filled with 
blisters and calluses,
fake diamond rings, 
cheap drugstore perfume,
and a misplaced wallet.
Do you like what you see
when I’m ordinary me?
© Nolcha Fox 
Buffalo, WY, USA

Nolcha Fox’s poems have been curated in print and online journals. Her poetry books are available on Amazon and Dancing Girl Press. Nominee for 2023 and 2025 Best of The Net, 2024 Best of the Net Anthology. Nominee for a 2023 Pushcart Prize. Visual Editor for Chewers by Masticadores.
Medium: @nolchafox_14571

Three Micropoems by Maria Teresa Liuzzo

On the Open Eyelashes Shadow
Fire flies into the blood go of a distant time.
Your words lying at my thoughts top I hear
It’s you to cover me making me dawn.

Sink the Emotion 
In the boiling blood, more than the must  
Less raw than the life blood 
But if you caress me like a daisy 
investigating petal by petal  
his yellow ochre heart to be reached 
staring me in the lilac tattoo of the violet  
I still undo my shadow dress 
come into me, don’t disappoint the wait

If You're Poetry 
My secret lover 
Reach me in breeze or fire 
In calm never 
Let love be between torment and ecstasy  
Let it be hug between waiting and arrival
What a sweeter embrace 
than in hope,  
never again hoped 
my love?

© Maria Teresa Liuzzo

Three Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar

HOPE February and March with the face of a woman... Spring awakens, giving birth to light, new life, and HOPE. BELIEF With a carnival celebr...