Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Micropoems by Dr. Gita Mohanty

May I lend
May I lend your hand,
Just for few emotional moments
For a bit of twists and turns 
And for supporting 
my dancing forms
Hope your strong hands 
would sustain with grace
My bending and swirling 
moves with elegance. 
It’s full of all heard, 
unheard noises in space 
From which the tranquil mind picks only one fine tune of solace, 
That’s silence
It has got its own profound voice. 
Illuminated with own light
Strived and fought with 
The given darkness 
In delight 
It didn’t blame the tyranny 
It didn’t carry the agony
It knew the art of creating destiny
a name of illumination of a life tiny. 
From the eye
The heart’s unseen cry 
The marks of tears that dried 
From the vast emotion’s sky
Monsoon wipes away all the agonies
Of black clouds
Let it fall 
To it never deny. 
It was the time, 
When she was tuning
Like a second hand of the clock,
Then like minute hand almost,
And now she is like hour hand,
Life’s rotation slowly slows down towards the end.
© Dr. Gita Mohanty
South Carolina, USA

About Dr. Gita Mohanty 
Gita Mohanty is an adjunct Biology professor in USA, Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, and post-doctorate from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in Environmental Science and Engineering. She is a passionate poetry writer, with a compassionate heart and beautiful mind. Poetry to her is an inner conversation with her own soul, who believes in free flowing and spreading smile across. She also likes painting, photography, reading, philosophy and interacting with nature. She is motivated serving, the unprivileged. She believes, unconditional love and compassion are the most elegant characteristics of a true being.


  1. This is amazing!
    I can't imagine all the work that you must have put into that.
    Beautiful! How did you learn to do that?
    What a beautiful pay-off for all that hard work you deserve by means of appreciation and acceptance.
    Congratulations galore for all the same❤️🎊🎉🌹🙏
    I'm so impressed.A lot of skill, multitalented you're.
    Great job 👍🏆🌹

  2. Superb compositions. Heartiest Congratulations!


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