Spiritual Love
Searching for a love,
But never can find,
Imagination and dreaming,
Always but not,
Losing any hopes.
Sounds of Birds
Birds are singing so,
Much sweetly in,
A far away,
They are producing,
A beautiful music.
I want to go far away,
Where I can find happiness,
Where I can get,
True love and,
There will be no any,
Obstacles in my life.
I am engaged in writing,
I forgot my days,
As well as nights,
I went in another world,
I enjoyed so much in words,
I am an artist I enjoyed,
In writing and arts,
It changed my life.
© Binod Dawadi
Kathmandu, Nepal
Binod Dawadi, the author of The Power of Words, holds a master's degree in English. He has worked on numerous anthologies and been published in various magazines. His vision is to change society through knowledge, so he wants to provide enlightenment to people through his writing skills.