Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Micropoems by Naheed Akhtar

I Enquired
I said,
"I remembered you.",
But Iater thought 
"Did I really need to do that?",
Since I get you inevitably
Being picturised
On the screen of my brain!
Soul and Body
Would find me
You are!
I might appear 
To external eyes]
The heart finds the door to reach 
Through its own truthfulness to love
Through its selflessness to adore
It needs not to behold the one it worships
It gets the one beyond the physical!
The enlightenment
Like a stream wandering
Broken of the river
The spirit whole and sole, wanders
Broken of the form
Wanders but not lost
Proclaims its search
Its search for what it wanders:
The glimpse
The light
The being
The enlightenment
Beyond the physical!
© Naheed Akhtar 

Naheed Akhtar is a lecturer, writer and poet based in the city of Hyderabad, the Southern part of the country. She is a bibliophile and loves reading Philosophy, History, Psychology, Literature and the Glossary of Literature.  She is known for her love for nature with her fine imagination of being a wanderer, a lost who longs and lingers for the unseen and remote for her own reasons. She has two poetry collections to her credit, "Phantasms of My Heart" and "The Earth's Love" respectively. She achieved the awards for the conductive years 2020 and 2021, an combined initiative of the State Government of Gujarat and Motivational Strips, on the eve of India's 74th and 75th Independence Day respectively entitled "Gujrat Sahitya Academy Award".


  1. You have a very interesting way of writing. I read all the four micropoems and liked them . Stay blessed.


Three Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar

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