Monday, December 19, 2022

Five Micropoems by Vatsala Radhakeesoon

Routine of Nights
In centuries of darkness
drowns, drowns the silence;
Moon, the heart
and Stars, the eyes
sing, sing the duet of nuances
dazzled by the known and the unknown.
Who’s that?
No colour,
No shape,
but energetic omnipresence;
Poetry reflects –
Muse or God!
Where I Come from
My island – a dot on a map
sways the greyish storms
and the struggles of History,
then, settles amidst the bluish sea-poise
of Victory,
Just breathe it!
Just dive in!
Just live it!
Prayer for the Ex-lover
May you burry the clichés:
It wasn’t meant to be
Let it go
That’s Fate!
May you be reborn, enlightened
with a heart all-new
May you rise deeper within the wisdom of Patience
May true love unlock your soul!
Don’t Ask
Don’t ask me why I’m unmarried,
Don’t ask me my religion,
Don’t frame me in your obscure knowledge
of Nationality.
If you can’t possess me,
Don’t harass me,
I’m the daughter of another land, for sure!
© Vatsala Radhakeesoon
Rose-Hill, Mauritius

Eminent poetess Vatsala Radhakeesoon has been writing poetry for thirty years and is the author of numerous poetry books. She is also an abstract artist and likes to experiment with various possibilities that bless Art Vatsala is a literary translator and currently lives at Rose-Hill, Mauritius.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Two Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar

I Ask
The time of the coronavirus and vaccines
Confusion, pain, tears and losses...
Is there an end to this plague and affairs?
I ask while new affairs wash over us,
While the evil sowers announce new plagues.
Wars Are the Worst
Crystal glaciers are melting,
Emerald rivers are drying up,
Mountains and the strongest cliffs are crumling...
The Earth, wounded and sad, says:
My children, wars are the worst, the worst!
© Zdenka Mlinar

Zdenka Mlinar (lives and works in Zagreb and Velika Gorica, CROATIA). She writes poetry, prose, and miniatures (aphorisms, haiku...). She is a member of many cultural associations and societies and has published seven independent collections of poems. She normally writes in Croatian standard, but also takes a challenge of writing in Croatian dialects. Her poetry and haiku works have been published in many international collections and journals, and in several European anthologies, while her haiku works have been included in the Anthology of Croatian Haiku Poetry in 2018. In 2019, 2020 and 2021 she was selected in the European top 100 most creative haiku authors, and ishe is a member of the world register of the Haiku Foundation. Some of her poems have been translated into Italian and English, while a dozen of them have become lyrics for music songs. She is publishing her works in electronic media and various guest appearances and round tables, and for her work, she has received many letters of appreciation, praise, acknowledgments, diplomas and medals. She is enlisted in The Lexicon of Modern Writers of Velika Gorica in 2006 and 2020. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Four Micropoems by Adriana Rocha

Don't write
don't call 
these days 
I got poison on 
my lips and 
this need 
to set everything on fire!

Don't Mind
I can't pretend 
I don't mind, 
because I do,
I can't say I don't notice, 
because I do,
I can't say I don't like it,
because I do,
I won't say more, 
I will only smile tonight. 

Fall leaf
Like this
beautiful fall leaf,
I choose to be transformed 
and I accept to be 
taken by the wind
of fate!

The sun and moon 
are lovers,
they choose silence 
as communication
and distance as connection!

© Adriana Claudia Rocha Gomez
Oruro City, Bolivia

Adriana Rocha was born in Bolivia. She is a psychologist. Poetry, photography and educational psychology are her passions. Her journey into the world of words has started in 2019. She has been participating in different literary events in Latin America, Spain, India, Canada, Nigeria and the United States of America.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Micropoems in Hindi by Anna Ferriero [Switzerland], Translated From English by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer [India]

अन्ना फेरिएरो की क्षणिकाएँ [अंग्रेज़ी से हिन्दी अनुवाद : डॉ. शैलेष गुप्त 'वीर']

मुझे दृढ़तापूर्वक आलिंगनबद्ध करो
और सँभालो
मेरे हमसफ़र मुझे लाड़ करो।
मुझे समय और स्थान की उस परिधि से
दूर ले चलो,
जिसे हम गढ़ते हैं।
मुझे वसन्त के दिल में ले चलो,
जहाँ रात्रि में भी
वह स्वयं को सफेद रंग से रँगता है!

नीरवता के सुवास में
रमणीय वातावरण में
एक गहरी साँस लो
जब स्वयं को ग्रीष्म की भाँति अनुभव करो,
स्वयं के आसमान की सुनो
जब निरन्तर वर्षा हो रही हो,
उस भोर में साँस लो
जब तुम प्रतीक्षा कर रहे होते हो
किसी सितारे की!

© अन्ना फेरिएरो
बाजेल, स्विट्जरलैंड
अनुवाद : डॉ. शैलेष गुप्त 'वीर'
फतेहपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत

[Poetess  : Anna Ferreiro,  Switzerland]

[Translator : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer]

Micropoems by Anna Ferriero 
[Original in English]

Hug me tight 
Keep my heart 
Kiss my soul 
Bring me 
Where there is no time and space 
we build 
Take me to the heart of spring
Where is it
Even the night 
He paints himself white!

Breathe a star
when you feel like summer
in the most beautiful air
perfume of peace.
Listen to your sky
when it is incessant rain.
Breathe that dawn
while you wait for a star!

© Anna Ferreiro 
Basel, Switzerland

Anna Ferreiro is an Italian poet for peace and cultural contamination. She was appointed a member of the World Union of National Writers of Kazakhstan. She is an administrator of the poetry group Poetry of global vision. She is a member of the International Writers Association IWA Bogdani and a member of the poets of the Albanian magazine ATUNISPOETRY. She is a member of Voces y plumas de unamos al mundo con la poesía – Centro de México en Vision Universal Radio, and in March 2021 she has become an official member of the Indian magazine YogaYatra dealing with holistic section. She has published two poetry collections and two stories. She has won numerous national and international awards and was featured in numerous national and international magazines, radio, online newspapers, reviews. Her poetry has also been translated into many languages. In November 2020 she received the Doctorate Honoris Causa from the Institutional Alliance of Creativity, Humanity and International Culture from the Kingdom of Morocco to Mexico with international headquarters in the Mexican Republic, guaranteeing the highest degree of Doctor Causa Honoris in Creativity, Humanity and Culture.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Seven Micropoems by Lou Fu 洛 芙

[In Both Languages Chinese & English] 


The marvelous thing won’t last forever,
In terms of that, 
It is a fact of not being 
far away from death.

My eyes are getting dazed
To lose its past tranquility,
Maybe, it is only for the margin in return.


We think it is okay,
Actually, it is not okay,
We think love is marvelous,
in fact, it won’t last forever

It always morphs in the world 
Like a fit of spout
Or the gracefully lithe grass in plain.

As Though 
A little impression
Feels that it seems to come back
A little spectacle
Yet feels that it seems to lose.


Epic of the Youth
She appears 
in a gliding light 
at night, warm in heart.
The floating shadow of memory
Imprints as it is.

The floats on water are perplexed
With ambiguous infatuation 
It also has stability 
And volatile melancholy singing!

© Lou Fu (Taiwan)
洛 芙(台 灣)

Lou Fu (Hsu, shih-ting) was born in Taiwan. She is a Member of Taiwan Poetry Society, Chinese Poetry Society, International Poetry Research Society. She served as deputy editor of the paper published "China miniature poetry" and the "extra-territorial style" section editor. Her poems have been translated into English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Bengali, Japanese and some other languages.

- Participation in the last year -
*India's TV news "AKN NEWS" on May 25, 2021 reported that Taiwanese poet Luo Fu translated his poem "Father" for Indian poet Bhawani Shankar Nial, and introduced Taiwanese poet Lou Fu.
*India's "Pragatibadi Newspaper" on May 27, 2021, a special page introduces the resume of Taiwanese poet Lou Fu.
*2021 International Literary Standards Organization "International Fiction & Research Council (IFRC)” (International Fiction Research Council) specially invited Taiwan poet Lou Fu to be its writer member.
*January 2022 "Global Chinese Poetry Concert" (New Zealand Spring Festival Gala special program) specially invited Taiwanese poet Lou Fu and recite the poem "Clover".
*2022 Nepalese newspaper "Kapan Baneshwor", introducing Lou Fu's poetic works and translate Lou Fu's poetry into Nepali.
*In March 2022, Lou Fu was invited to recite new poems with the Spanish Spring Poetry Festival.
*April 2022 "HUMANITY" International magazine invites Taiwanese poet Lou Fu.Be on the cover of the current issue of literary magazines.  And an in-depth interview with Lou Fu's writing career.
*May 2022 "Centre for Women's Studies" of the National Institute of History and Geography of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Invite Lou Fu to participate in the "3rd International Women's Literature Festival" and issue Lou Fu's certificate to participate in the International Poetry Festival.
*In June 2022, she was awarded the "2021 Outstanding Young Poet Award" by the Taiwan New Poetry Society.
*Wins 2022 Naji Naman International Literary Award".

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Four Micropoems by Türkan Ergör

Forget bad things 
Never remember 
Delete bad things 
Never write again 
Delete, let go
Re-start life!
Between Truth and Lie 
It was like a tale
It was looking beautiful while lie
It was giving sorrow while real 
People was living
Between truth and lie!
A New Journey 
If he is going
he had to go
if he is  not coming back
he had to stay
This is the end of the road
And the end of the road
There begins-
a new journey of the life!
It is a dream 
This world 
You start to live 
Certainly will end one day 
You will understand 
When you will wake up 
What you see! 
© Türkan Ergör
Çanakkale, Turkey

Türkan Ergör is a Sociologist, Philosopher, Writer, Poet, Columnist, Ambassador for Peace and World Peace Icon. She was born in 19 March 1975 in city Çanakkale, Turkey. She is from city İzmir, Turkey. Her father name is Sait Halim Ergör. She has been awarded International "Best Poet 2020" by the International Multi Disciplinary Research Conference. She was named International "Best Author/Writer 2021". She was also received International "Best Poet 2021" and International "Best Author/Writer 2022". Paramount Sultan of the Philippines HM SULTAN MORAD S. UMPA and HRH SULTAN ALI AMPASO UMPA gave the title of Princess for Türkan Ergör.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Two Micropoems by Harinder Cheema

The Supreme Artist
On the Vast canvas of the Sky, with the colours seven
The Supreme Artist paints with his magical brush sitting in the heaven 
The Sky changes its colour with a wave of His brush
Thus the Universe  keeps moving from dawn to dusk.
The Two Streets
The Commercial Street of the mortal world is overcrowded where people buying fame, power and riches are on a shopping spree,
The Spiritual Street is empty
Though here Peace is available for free!
© Harinder Cheema
Chandigarh, India 

Harinder Cheema is a well-known global poet and an award winning author. She is the author of two Books, entitled," The Temple Stop"and " Soul Chants", A Collection Of Poetic Hymns. Her novel 'The Temple Stop' is the recipient of 'The Best Book of the Year Award 2020' by Aghaaz, Author In You and she has received the honour and title of the MASTER OF CREATIVE IMPULSE “ By WORLD LITERATURE INDIA for her poetry Book entitled, “Soul Chants “in 2022. She has received "Naji Naaman International Honor Prize for Complete Work in 2022". She is the co-author of 30 poetry anthologies and her articles have been published in various prestigious International magazines. Her short stories have been published in the coffee table books and she is also the proud recipient of many prestigious  global awards and honours in the field of Literature.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Four Micropoems by Dr. Sonia Gupta

With a joyful and warm heart
Gesture and welcome someone
Shower abundant respect and regard
It’s a virtue of being human.

To achieve our ambition
It needs courage and determination
Pathway of success is not easy
One has to pay full devotion.

Spread all around love and harmony
Enlighten the lamp of empathy
Create a temple of peace everywhere
Eradicate all pains and fears.

O' this life is a struggle
At every step a new hurdle
Move on with SPUNK and hopefulness
You will win crown of success!
© Dr. Sonia Gupta 
Mohali, Punjab, India

Dr. Sonia Gupta is a dentist (BDS, MDS), from Chandigarh, India. She is a prolific writer in English, Hindi & Punjabi languages. She has authored twelve independent anthologies, out of which nine are in English and three are in the Hindi language. She has won several awards in various Hindi and English literary contests. She has won gold and silver medal in a poetic world cup, Prasanna Jenn Memorial Award by Asian Literary Society and 5th rank in international essay contest organized by literary society in 2018 and many more. Her poems, articles, stories, essays, and many other compositions are part of vivid anthologies, newspapers, and magazines. Her poetic journey continues with great endeavour. Her poetry and writings reflect her closeness and deep love for nature, life and spirituality. She is also fond of paintings, singing, dancing, knitting, cooking, and embroidery. Her several scientific papers are published in international and national journals related to her professional field. Her many books are coming soon.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Two Micropoems by Madelyn Fernandez Marcelino : Environment Special

We Beautify 
Clean blue
River and sky
Monochrome of lush foliage
For they that fly
Stewards of earth
And sky
We all are
Planet we beautify.

Colourful As Songs
What beauty lies
Within man’s psyche
In this Eden they have kept
Culture, traditions
Colourful as songs
Bahandi of the past
Vibrating through generations.

© Madelyn Fernandez Marcelino
Iloilo, Phillipines

Madelyn Nobleza Fernandez—Marcelino hails from Latagan, Del Pilar,   Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Philippines. She graduated with  a degree in Bachelor  of  Arts major in English,  minor in Social  Science from the  West Visayas State College (now WVSU)  in  La  Paz, Iloilo City.  She obtained a Diploma in  Teaching  English   from   La Consolacion  University  Philippines-Malolos (LCUP).

Three Micropoems by Priyalakshmi Gogoi : Environment Special

Protect Our Home 
Protect the Earth to protect yourself
The Earth is Our home and we belong to it
Let's not put our future in danger
rather lessen the severities and impacts
Global warming is a warning.
Divine Mother 
A divine home around us
Nature is our inspiration
Let's all work for its conservation,
Nature is always pristine
Embraces us with its beauty
Let us make efforts to keep it clean.
Preserve and cherish Nature
She is our divine Mother 
Let us protect her and be blessed.
Garden of Life
Nature is our home
Let us make it beautiful and worth living
for our children where they can breathe freely
Where they learn the value of protecting it
Turning it into a lovely garden of Life.
© Priyalakshmi Gogoi
Assam, India

Poetess Priyalakshmi Gogoi has been born and brought up in the beautiful city of Guwahati, Assam in the North East of India. Currently working as a Teacher, she has been writing since her school days and her poems have been published in various newspapers and magazines. Her poetry has also been published in blogs, Instagram, editorial, e- magazine and national and international Anthologies. She has been awarded several times for winning Poetry contests in various literary platforms. She is also a World English Saino Writer and a Gogyokha USA writer. She has been awarded the 75th Independence Day Literary Honor on 15th August, 2021 jointly given by Motivational Strips and Gujarat Sahitya Academy in "Recognition of Exhibiting Literary Brilliance Par Global Standards". She has been received Rabindra Nath Tagore Memorial Honour in 2022. She has been awarded Honorary Membership, The Gold Writers Award among others for her Poetic excellence by the prestigious Drukyul Writers Association, Bhutan.

Three Micropoems by Taghrid Bou Merhi : Environment Special

In its details, half a soul
And the second half
Tree spirit.

Plant a tree
Funchy air chord
Touch her.

Don `t give up
Not to melt
Between the sun's ribs.

© Taghrid Bou Merhi

Eminent Poetess Taghrid Bou Merhi is a Lebanese Poetess, Writer, Translator.Árabic teacher for non-native speakers. Living in Foz Do Iguaçu Brazil.Editor of AL-ARABE TODAY and ​RAINBOW Magazine. Fluent in Arabic (native language), French, English, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish.She has published 5 collections of poetry. Her poems have been published in numerous international anthologies.She hás translated 8 book.Published in various Literary magazines,journals, anthologies and websites.Her poems have been translated into more than 24 languages.She won the Nizar Sartawi International Translator Award for Creativity 2021 in the field of translation and literature.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Three Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar : Environment Special

Oh God 
There is no sowing of native fields,
Nor the sowing of love.
From the Mother's womb, evil arises...
Oh, God, save the man;
Save him from the inhumane!

I look, and I wonder:
Am I worthy of You,
How much did I wrong You
How much did I hurt You?
Plain, mountain, river... 

To Mankind 
Please show some respect, people!
Respect the greatness of the universe,
Respect his generosity,
Give respect to nature's beauty...
People! Respect, PLEASE!

© Zdenka Mlinar

Zdenka Mlinar (lives and works in Zagreb and Velika Gorica, CROATIA). She writes poetry, prose, and miniatures (aphorisms, haiku ...). She is a member of many cultural associations and societies and has published seven independent collections of poems. She normally writes in Croatian standard, but also takes a challenge of writing in Croatian dialects. Her poetry and haiku works have been published in many international collections and journals, and in several European anthologies, while her haiku works have been included in the Anthology of Croatian Haiku Poetry in 2018. In 2019, 2020 and 2021 she was selected in the European top 100 most creative haiku authors, and ishe is a member of the world register of the Haiku Foundation. Some of her poems have been translated into Italian and English, while a dozen of them have become lyrics for music songs. She is publishing her works in electronic media and various guest appearances and round tables, and for her work, she has received many letters of appreciation, praise, acknowledgments, diplomas and medals. She is enlisted in The Lexicon of Modern Writers of Velika Gorica in 2006 and 2020.

Two Micropoems by Adriana Rocha : Environment Special

Four stations
Four sensations
Four occasions
Four dimensions-
are part of this 
glamorous neighborhood.
Language of Trees 
In the forest
I surrender,
staying quiet
I listen -
The language of trees.
© Adriana Claudia Rocha Gomez
Oruro City, Bolivia
Adriana Rocha was born in Bolivia. She is a psychologist. Poetry, photography and educational psychology are her passions. Her journey into the world of words has started in 2019. She has been participating in different literary events in Latin America, Spain, India, Canada, Nigeria and the United States of America.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Four Micropoems by Orbindu Ganga

Thoughts are caged
Never to breathe,
Eyes couldn't stop
To whisper
In tears.
Blank is furious
Not been seen by any,
The painting wishes-
The rain flushed the colours
To breathe again. 
Last Time 
Heaved to sign one 
Last time
To say 
I love myself,
Before the dust 
Takes me away.
I whispered to my shadow
To show me the other side
Oblivion to the self,
She gave me the mirror
I read the self. 
© Orbindu Ganga
Kannur, Kerala, India

About the Poet:-
Orbindu Ganga is the co-founder and editorial research director of an International English Literary Journal – INNSÆI, International Journal of Creative Literature, Art, Translation, and Research for Peace and Humanity (IJCLATRPH). He is a consultant, publisher, author, editor, poet, content writer, painter, researcher, certified life coach, spiritual mentor, and creator of the Subconscious Observation Belief System (SOBS). He has been the featured poet thrice in the 2019, 2020 and 2021 editions of The Year of Poet published by Inner Child Press International Publication from US.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Three Micropoems by Priyalakshmi Gogoi

This time the petrichor felt different
Like I wanted to rub it all over my skin 
Feeling her words that mingled 
With the dust leaving a trail 
Of her poetic soul.
Flow into You
There's a brook of emotions 
flowing silently inside me 
Calm yet melancholic
Crooning along the ups and downs 
Flowing to meet you one day...
What Love is Not
Love is not about domination.
It's not about showing supremacy 
but it's all about how you make 
each other feel at home. 
It's about giving each other that space 
to love oneself and feel the freedom.
© Priyalakshmi Gogoi
Assam, India

About the Poetess:-
Priyalakshmi Gogoi has been born and brought up in the beautiful city of Guwahati, Assam in the North East of India. Currently working as a Teacher, she has been writing since her school days and her poems have been published in various newspapers and magazines. Her poetry has also been published in blogs, Instagram, editorial, e- magazine and national and international Anthologies. She has been awarded several times for winning Poetry contests in various literary platforms. She is also a World English Saino Writer and a Gogyokha USA writer. She has been awarded the 75th Independence Day Literary Honor on 15th August, 2021 jointly given by Motivational Strips and Gujarat Sahitya Academy in "Recognition of Exhibiting Literary Brilliance Par Global Standards". She has been awarded Honorary Membership, The Gold Writers Award among others for her Poetic excellence by the prestigious Drukyul Writers Association, Bhutan.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Peace, a Micropoem by Lianou Petropoulou

First we need to learn ourselves
Then how we want to be loved
After what will become 
when we grow old
After find a place
A work
A partner
A dog
A cat
© Eva Lianou Petropoulou
Paris, France 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Dejected, A Micropoem by Dasharath Naik

Going to live an unlived life 
I faint as I start ;
Time smirks 
For I fail to chime in with it ;
And my journey 
Abruptly ends ere it begins.
© Dasharath Naik
Sundargarh, Odisha, India

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Eternal Touch, A Micropoem by Bijayalaxmi Rath

Drenched in shower of Love
Beauty beautified 
Emanates soulful vibe
Fall no more a bidding farewell
A worship
A bow down
To Love's 
Eternal Touch.
© Bijayalaxmi Rath
Bhubaneswar, Odisha ,India
Poetess Bijayalaxmi Rath, done Masters in English from Utkal University, Odisha work as faculty English in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. She is a bilingual poetess, writes in English and odia. Her poems published in various anthologies and recipient of lots of awards, Sahitya Academy award by Motivational Strips,on 15 August 2021, Saraswat Excellent award by Suryodaya Literary foundation.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Two Micropoems by Anna Ferreiro

The Awakening of the Rattle
Hug me tight
Keep my heart
Kiss my soul
bring me
where there is no time and space we build
Take me to the heart of Spring
where is it
even the night
it is painted white.
The Eyes
Look of the moon
color of sunset
a ray of love, shines
unceasing eternal wayfarer
of an unexplored sea
barrier Reef
Everything is new now
life again bubbly
on the borders of Ireland.
© Anna Ferreiro 
Basel, Switzerland
Anna Ferreiro is an Italian poet for peace and cultural contamination. She was appointed a member of the World Union of National Writers of Kazakhstan. She is an administrator of the poetry group Poetry of global vision. She is a member of the International Writers Association IWA Bogdani and a member of the poets of the Albanian magazine ATUNISPOETRY. She is a member of Voces y plumas de unamos al mundo con la poesía – Centro de México en Vision Universal Radio, and in March 2021 she has become an official member of the Indian magazine YogaYatra dealing with holistic section. She has published two poetry collections and two stories. She has won numerous national and international awards and was featured in numerous national and international magazines, radio, online newspapers, reviews. Her poetry has also been translated into many languages. In November 2020 she received the Doctorate Honoris Causa from the Institutional Alliance of Creativity, Humanity and International Culture from the Kingdom of Morocco to Mexico with international headquarters in the Mexican Republic, guaranteeing the highest degree of Doctor Causa Honoris in Creativity, Humanity and Culture.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Two Micropoems by Jyotsna Sharma Prdeep

Lord Krishna
Life is rough
and wild
No one is cute
and mild 
But when I feel
fragrance of thy
My heart plays
Upon a lute of joy!
Love is a pain,
in which
Heart becomes
like a sky
Full with tears-rain!
©️ Jyotsna Sharma Prdeep
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

New Birth, a Micropoem by Houda Boukassoula

Every New morning is a new birth
Let every fraction of a second 
Bring to your life some mirth
Expect dawn to burst light 
into your heart
Whatever the darkeness prevailing
in your sky.
● Houda Boukassoula
Tunis, Tunisia

Three Micropoems by Zdenka Mlinar

HOPE February and March with the face of a woman... Spring awakens, giving birth to light, new life, and HOPE. BELIEF With a carnival celebr...