Sunday, August 27, 2023

Three Micropoems by Nishat Jabeen

My Fancy Prayers 
My fancy prayers 
Will be banished 
In the caprices of curse 
All my yellings will be ignored 
Once and for all!

At once 
You turned around
Like fleeting fluffy clouds 
For next terminus 
I scorched my essence 
In the furnace 
of fuming past!

Come Back
O' master 
You're a real brainiac  
Mesmerized me by your mastery 
Of saying silent goodbyes 
Alas! How silly im 
Fails to learn every time,
Will you come back 
For a last while
I bet you
I'll repeat you accurately 
This time!
© Nishat Jabeen
Riyad, Saudi Arabia 

Nishat Jabeen a poet from Hyderabad, India works in a reputed school in the capital city of Saudi Arabia. She weaves huesome emotions that are deeply felt. She portrays her imaginations in short and terse verses in a poetic trance. Her eagerness to capture the nerve of grief and vast language of pain can be observed in her compacted and condensed lines where words flux finely and well-tuned.

1 comment:

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