Monday, September 6, 2021

Micropoems by Rachana Sood

if you can't be 
a full moon,
be Cresent
incomplete yet beautiful.
They pruned her branches
and made her feel small
now no bird could 
ever make a nest
sing a song of love or stall
she knows -
she is just for decoration,
whenever she will 
try to grow 
they will cut her again.
To protect her inner peace 
she grew thorns 
on her outer surface,
people call her cactus
but only she knew the pain 
of being untouchable 
and unaproachable,
still people cut her 
but she grow again. 
a strength you rarely heard of.
Sesquipedalian Poet
Sesquipedalian poet
Weaving Gossamer of words.
Convulated to abecedarian,
Like a conundrum.
Learning this art may 
seem strenuous,
but your verses will be sumptuous.
© Rachana Sood
Delhi, India
Rachana Sood is a  eminent poetess from Delhi, India. Though she is a BA (Honors) in Tourism Studies, she has written prolifically both in Hindi and English in the field of Poetry. She is an exceptional enthusiast of historical issues, which led her to study history and historical charaters extensively over years. Her writings are mainly concerned about diverse facets of human emotions and vibrant naturual phenomena. Rachana happened to embark on her writing career when once she got highly applauded and encouraged by her teachers in a writing competition. Active in various poetry forums, she has appreared in many online poetry recitations and been part of several anthologies so far.

1 comment:

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