Friday, February 11, 2022

Three Micropoems on Love by Mannit Mann

I captured the moon
Into the bloomed flower of our love 
And gifted to you
As a relic of our forever!
In your eyes I see
Mountain of tranquillity,
Ocean of happiness,
An enchanting land of purity,
A gaze into these pearls
Transfixes me in a euphoric spell!
Spending time with you feels like
Eating chocolate.
The more I eat,
The less insatiable it feels.
Scrumptious moments melt swiftly 
On the Tongue of time!
©️ Mannit Mann 
Rohtak, Haryana, India
Mannit Mann, originally named is a high school fecilitator by profession. She is M.A. B.ed in English and an Indian poet and writer. Her quill knows the language of heart and creates soulful pieces. She believes in the notion ," Practice before you preach". She aspires to be a persuasive revolutionary to kindle the flame of humanity in the hearts of people. Her many poems have been published in various e-zines.

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